Effort VS Value Matrix

Effort VS Value matrix


Why: The Effort – Value Matrix helps you put things in a better order. Sort out that looming backlog by working smarter not harder.

🙌 Do: Use its best features.
⛔️ Don’t: Treat it like an all-in-one solution.

What: This matrix is an imperfect but effective decision-making powerhouse. It will keep things simple and guide your efforts in the right direction.

🙌 Do: Focus on real data.
⛔️ Don’t: Make things too vague.

When: Whenever prioritization is involved - whether it’s to prioritize ideas or even features within an idea. You can also use it when prioritizing functionalities of a single feature. Hey, you can even use it when it’s time to prioritize life decisions.

🙌 Do: Update information regularly.
⛔️ Don’t: Rush to development without a few levels of prioritization

How: Figuring out the HOW is the challenging part. That’s why we’ve made it a lot easier for you. This easy-to-use sheet will further declutter the prioritization and move the process in the right direction.

🙌 Do: Ensure the whole team has the right level of details
⛔️ Don’t: Overestimate efforts & underestimate value


We funked up and lived to talk about it. Here’s how you can avoid some of the pitfalls.

🌈 Overestimating Impact: Assumptions are tricky. Often, we think a task’s impact will be greater, but that doesn’t turn out to be true. This can lead to misplaced priorities.

🤌 Underestimating Effort: On the surface, some tasks seem easier than they are. But really, they require a monumental effort. This funkup can lead to our hair being on fire and sleepless nights.

🤦🏻 Ignoring Team Input: Every team member counts. Sometimes even the seemingly insignificant input can make a difference. Keeping this in focus makes both Impact and Effort more valuable.

🗜Lack of Flexibility: Incoming information changes perspective. Your initial matrix is not foolproof. Allowing for flexibility based on new data works to your advantage.


The Effort-Value Matrix is:

01   More than a tool – a whole mindset
02   A substantive but flexible framework
03   A fun approach to making the whole team shine

Don’t hesitate to send us some feedback or share your personal experiences. We’re here to listen.
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